Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Event management a report) Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Event management a ) - Lab Report Example The event will mainly be focused on musical elements of singing and dancing, as these are the main aspects which define music. Upcom Music Festival will be held at the Royal Festival Hall in London. The city of London has a large populations and has been hosting many music concerts and festival in the past (Quinn 2005). The Royal festival Hall is large capacity hall capable of sitting 2500 people who will be attending the festival. This presents a perfect location that will provide an ambient environment for both the performers and audience. With a large number of other amenities like restaurants available within the hall, other needs of the attendants will be catered for within the same location (Holmes 2011). The architectural design of the hall has been established to support musical performances and this provides the perfect location for hosting this music festival. The event will take place during the summer period in the month of July for a duration of four (4) days. This period presents a perfect time for many of the young individuals to be able to attend the festival as they remain the main target audience. The event will be conducted during the school holidays to ensure that the school going teenagers have an opportunity to attend all the four days of the event if possible. This will ensure that the venue capacity becomes fully maximised through large attendance of the target individuals (Bowen & Daniels 2005). The event will be a platform for showcasing music talent while providing entertainment to the attendants of the festival. The performances during the festival will be undertaken by some established musicians who will be invited by the event organiser. The key performances however, will be by the upcoming musicians who are the main target for the event as it seeks to promote musical talent (Burnard 2012). The festival will be aimed at achieving the following objectives. The music industry is one of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Abstract Globalization Essay Example for Free

Abstract Globalization Essay Abstract Globalization is a term now circulating frequently in both popular media as well as formal academic disciplines. It has many meanings, some of which are contestable, others simply descriptive. This work attempts to explore some implications of globalization for the field of curriculum studies. This paper is an attempt to explore some of the symbols of nationality that are embedded in, or associated with, our curriculum, and to suggest that these may present some problems in terms of values and of equality. The work will explore the hegemonic relationship exerted by culture through the curriculum, relating this particularly to the ways in which a curriculum might be assessed. The particular curricular examination suggests that African-American life and history are reflected in various conceptions of the curriculum. Therefore the study will also consider how functional approach to teaching social skills to African American students is infused throughout the curriculum. Curriculum Development Introduction A vague presumption has come to pervade the publics understanding of education, namely that its content should somehow be apolitical and value-free. If values are not explicitly addressed in the classroom then what is taught are simple â€Å"facts† unadulterated and value-neutral. Values, however, are not a separate category of the mind, but arise, part and parcel, out of our total understanding of reality, our worldview. It is this realization that three of our contributors bring to bear, each in a different way, on the problems of the contemporary curriculum. James B. Macdonald (1971) asserts: The process of curriculum development includes selection from the total culture and the creation of a pattern of encounter that will maximize the authenticity of the material and the probability of its being internalized by learners. As a system of ideas and beliefs, it includes aspects of the cognitive world isolated by disciplines and/or subjects in terms of facts, information, generalization, principles, laws, and the like. It also includes awareness of and facility in the use of expressive symbols such as art, music and language. Further, it includes systems of value orientation for action in the form of such things as modes of inquiry, seeking new knowledge, respecting the integrity and worth of individuals, being concerned for other peoples, using democratic procedures , and so forth (pp. 97-98). Macdonald takes issue with the attempt of all scholars to mimic science as the only reliable path to â€Å"truth. † For him, restructuring the curriculum does not mean trying to integrate the disciplines as they now exist, but rather, seeking an altogether new worldview -what he calls a new â€Å"anthropology. † His point is that we need to consider values, meaning, and purpose in the curriculum in order to create a more adaptive and accurate vision of the world. A balance must be maintained between local culture and global culture. Thanks to that balance, groups win be able to develop or reinforce local cultures, and at the same time will be able to communicate with the main global culture in a mutually reinforcing relationship. We must of course agree as to what language to use to communicate throughout the global network. The problem is not very different from what we do for instance in air traffic control. At a certain moment we must accept that in order to communicate we must have a common global language. This does not negate local languages and cultures on the contrary. The fact that one speaks English does not prevent him/her from communicating in his/her native Italian, nor does it reduce his/her pride in Italian culture. By speaking English, he/she is able to communicate that culture to other cultures, and vice versa. The â€Å"Global Education† mentioned in the abstract might be understood as the universal education of humankind a worthy goal. But we first have to ask: what will we teach? There are too many facts to be taught, yet they are insufficient. We need instead to exercise our intelligence to grasp and teach what is best namely the promotion of our well-being. The cultural/historical dimension, whereby students are stimulated to broaden their perspective on life, is already being addressed in some programs of curriculum reform. At my home institution, Temple University, for example, a two semester course entitled â€Å"The Intellectual Heritage† is required for all undergraduate students. This course introduces seminal texts and ideas from Western, African, and Asian traditional intellectual histories and cultures. Through classic works such as the Tao Te Ching, the Koran, and the Analects, the heritage of all humankind, students are able to enlarge their intellectual and historical vision, while becoming sensitized to the values of their own, often unexplored, roots. This suggests that curriculum must include voices, visions, and perspectives of people of color and other marginalized groups. Literature Review Henderson noted in her paper that conventional economic theory is based more on the values of economic theorists and their wealthy sponsors than on actual observation of real economies (Davis 1988). Not only economics, but everything that is taught bears the stamp of someones values whether those of a legislator, a teacher, a textbook writer, or a group of academic theorists. Value-neutrality is one of the most pervasive misconceptions of modern education. The curriculum is not unbiased, and students are not left to form their own opinions. Whatever is taught bears the imprint of the values implicit in society, and if by chance those values are part of the cause of a societys problems, then it becomes necessary to address them openly and critically in the educational curriculum. This, of course, is the real meaning of â€Å"academic freedom,† something that the American public has yet to accept. The problem of what set of values, what sort of vision of humankind, we could put in place of or at least use to modify our present faulty vision is taken up by Charles Weihsun Fu in a brilliant analysis of the distinctions between two of the worlds dominant worldviews: the Eastasian and the modern Western. Fu skillfully juxtaposes the Confucian and Judeo-Christian understandings, pointing out the social and political consequences of each, and especially their inherent weaknesses. More specifically, he contrasts their respective bases in personal morality and social responsibility on the one hand and in law and contractual relationships on the other. Fu concludes with a proposal for interweaving these two approaches which, if introduced into the Western curriculum, could serve simultaneously to correct our destructive tendencies toward alienation while softening our pretensions of moral superiority. His arguments seem to us to feed well into those of Johan Galtung, who discusses the path to global peace under the next theme. The process by which change is to be accomplished likewise is addressed by Frances Moore Lappe, as she critiques our political value system. Too often, Lappe argues, the curriculum teaches only superficial explanations for societys problems, relying upon the unexamined assumptions of single disciplines, which are often graced with the label of common sense. She calls for the introduction of dialogue into the curriculum to force us to delve deeper into the underlying causes of problems, thus revealing their true complexity. Such dialogue ultimately demands the critical self-evaluation of values and a sense of political engagement that she believes are essential for an active, informed, truly democratic citizenry. If they are to achieve a productive dialogue rather than a polarizing debate, both Western traditionalists and the multiculturalists must face some facts. The growing number of people of color in our society and schools constitutes a demographic imperative educators must hear and respond to. The 1999 Census indicated that one of every four Americans is a person of color. By the turn of the century, one of every three will be of color. Nearly half of the nations students will be of color by 2020 (Council for Exceptional Children 2002). Although the school and university curriculums remain Western-oriented, this growing number of people of color will increasingly demand to share power in curriculum decision making and in shaping a curriculum canon that reflects their experiences, histories, struggles, and victories. People of color, women, and other marginalized groups are demanding that their voices, visions, and perspectives be included in the curriculum. They ask that the debt Western civilization owes to Africa, Asia, and indigenous America be acknowledged (Grossman 1998). The advocates of the Afro centric curriculum, in sometimes passionate language that reflects a dream long deferred, are merely asking that the cultures of Africa and African-American people be legitimized in the curriculum and that the African contributions to European civilization be acknowledged. People of color and women are also demanding that the facts about their victimization be told, for truths sake, but also because they need to better understand their conditions so that they and others can work to reform society. The significance of culture in curriculum implementation is supported by Michaels (1981) study of differences in narrative styles used by African American children and their European-American teacher. In Michaels study, a European-American teacher did not make explicit the literate narrative style employed in school learning and, thus, African-American children did not acquire a prerequisite skill for reading acquisition. Narrative styles are culturally acquired. The narrative style employed in school is based on the European-American culture and does not need to be made explicit to most members of that culture. Schools and the curriculum are often portrayed as culturally neutral and, because the practice of schooling has become traditional, it is difficult to identify the specific aspects of culture that are present. A more specific example of teachers response to students cultural or ethnic background is found in a research study reported by Perry Gilmore (1985) in which African-American childrens access to advanced literacy is denied on the basis of their level of acculturation rather than acquisition of prerequisite skills. Creators of the standard curriculum as members, of the society, function in multiple settings (e. g. , systems) and, as a result, are socialized by many agents. Attitudes about what children should be taught and how they should be taught are shaped. Likewise, attitudes about social issues such as race and ethnicity are also influenced heavily by multiple systems-giving messages, sometimes conflicting messages, about the importance of these factors. Branch (1993) suggested that the ethnicity and race of the teachers/educators and learners figure prominently in the learning equation. He posits that the attribution of characteristics to learners influences how they perform in the classroom, perhaps as much as their abilities. Frequently, teachers view African-American childrens academic performance as a function of their race and ethnicity and the children themselves may develop limiting self-perceptions as a consequence of their interactions within the ecosystem. For example, Fordham and Ogbu (1986) reported that some African-American high school students perceive academic excellence as an instance of â€Å"acting White. † Background It was not easy, even in the heyday of nineteenth-century nationalism, to define what was meant by national identity. Nations were often based on some notion of unity, or of consanguinity, or of some shared culture, or appearance, or language. None of these seems to be either a necessary or a sufficient condition, however. The United States manages without consanguinity, for example—though it currently seems to see language as a defining issue, as can be seen in the moral panic about the possibility of non-English speakers forming a majority. The pedagogic will seek to produce structures and curricula that are designed to maintain national identity, particularly at moments when national authority might seem to be in question. Bernstein (1971) expressed part of this when he wrote that â€Å"how a society selects, classifies, distributes, transmits and evaluates the educational knowledge that it considers to be public reflects both the distribution of power and the principles of social control†. If existing power structures and distribution are to be maintained, knowledge, and the particular kinds of knowledge that constitute cultural capital, must be selected and transmitted to particular groups. Such cultural capital must be identified, protected and valued over other cultural phenomena. Authorities need to assert their identity and control, and, in the context of the arguments presented in this paper, they need national and cultural symbols to do this, and they need control over the way in which they are transmitted. Some of the unhappy facts of our condition are being disseminated through the media, but in spite of this we still suffer from serious misunderstandings about the nature of global problems. While we have all been told that there are environmental, economic, and political crises the greenhouse effect, species extinction, the hole in the ozone layer, the Third World debt, the instability of political institutions and have been informed that there are some causative agents such as carbon dioxide emissions, deforestation, poverty, and a dearth of the appropriate sustainable development, we clearly do not comprehend. We misunderstand precisely because an insistence on the facts alone constitutes that little bit of knowledge that is a dangerous thing. Western traditionalists and multiculturalists must realize that they are entering into debate from different power positions. Western traditionalists hold the balance of power, financial resources, and the top positions in the mass media, in schools, colleges and universities, government, and in the publishing industry (Duckworth 1996). Genuine discussion between the traditionalists and the multiculturalists can take place only when power is placed on the table, negotiated, and shared. However, multiculturalists must acknowledge that they do not want to eliminate Aristotle and Shakespeare, or Western civilization, from the school curriculum. To reject the West would be to reject important aspects of their own cultural heritages, experiences, and identities. The most important scholarly and literary works written by African-Americans, such as works by W. E. B. DuBois, Carter G. Woodson, and Zora Neale Hurston, are expressions of Western cultural experiences. African-American culture resulted from a blending of African cultural characteristics with those of African peoples in the United States (Wald 1996). Rather than excluding Western civilization from the curriculum, multiculturalists want a more truthful, complex, and diverse version of the West taught in the schools. They want the curriculum to describe the ways in which African, Asian, and indigenous American cultures have influenced and interacted with Western civilization (Combleth 1988). They also want schools to discuss not only the diversity and democratic ideals of Western civilization, but also its failures, tensions, dilemmas, and the struggles by various groups in Western societies to realize their dreams against great odds. The inclusion of African-American literature (a) clearly reveals the conflicts and contradictions of class, race, and gender bias in a democratic society, (b) puts students in touch with their own bias and that of their peers, and (c) helps students learn to challenge bias in themselves, their peers, and the larger society, and in the literature they read. The teachers personal commitment allows to overcome aspects of the school culture and resistance and racial conflict among students to reach a point of shared understanding and experience for students. The racial conflict clearly raises the issue of personal and group identity, however. Method Curriculum development is designed to reflect the course of study in schools. It is intended to present information to students in an organized manner through various instructional methods and strategies. Teachers must be cognizant of creative and innovative ways to individualize and maximize learning for pupils by providing practical learning activities. Designing curriculum involves two major methodologies (Grossman 1998). The first methodology is experimental instruction. Experimental instruction is designed to intrinsically motivate student interests inside and outside of the classroom. The second approach, systematic instruction, involves teacher/student interaction. The major purpose of systematic instruction is to develop a skill or concept and design materials and activities that enable students to achieve the selected objectives. Curriculum development in most school districts is concerned with developing academics in order to equip pupils to master the complex tasks presented by our society. This approach is valid for most pupils. However, due to poor social and interpersonal skills development of many minority and young African-American students, social skill development may be necessary before academic skills can be mastered. It is generally agreed by most professionals in the field of education that schools should be involved in teaching social and interpersonal skills. For example, social skills education and interpersonal skills development are ideal ways to teach responsibility for self and others and for exploring the meaning of human interaction and relationships. A social skills curriculum can also help students understand: (1) how to develop self-esteem along with their emotions and how their emotions affects others; (2) how to develop positive social relationships; (3) respect for others; (4) respect for rules and regulations; (5) ways to develop moral and character; (6) ways to examine ones values; (7) ways to make responsible choices; (8) their potential and worth as human beings; (9) How to develop a sense of responsibility toward others and ways of behaving appropriately in public places; (10) the role and duty of responsible citizens; and (11) how to develop effective communication skills. Curriculum strategies outlined in this text are designed to address the social skills and others as they relate specifically to African American students. Experimental, direct, and systematic curriculum methodologies were employed. The phenomenon of educating African-American students has been studied and investigated extensively, resulting in numerous educators advocating that these â€Å"special† students demonstrate inappropriate social skills/ behaviors inside as well as outside the classroom. Developing the appropriate social skills for successful interaction with peers and significant adults (teachers, parents) can be considered one of the most important accomplishments of childhood and early adolescence should be addressed as soon as possible. This is particularly true in the area of establishing and maintaining relations with peers and authority figures. Not only can social skills deficits have a negative impact on future interpersonal functioning, it may also affect current functioning, reducing the quality and quantity of the learning experiences to which students are exposed in their educational settings. Social skills have been defined as goal-oriented, rule-governed, situation-specific learned behaviors that vary according to social context. Social skills involving both observable and nonobservable cognitive and affective elements that help elicit positive or neutral responses and avoid negative responses from others. As such, social behavior constitutes an intricate interfactional process. As a result, the behavior of school-age children influences and is influenced by that of their partners (e. g. , teachers, mentors, tutors, and peers) within the interaction. Society expects that when children reach various developmental stages, they will demonstrate greater foresight and more controlled behaviors. Society also expects that children will be capable, not only of meeting increased demands within learning tasks, but also more complex, subtle social situations. Failure to meet these expectations may increase their sense of social alienation and helplessness. The curriculum presented here is designed to enable African American students to become socially contributing members of society by meeting expected standards. Strategies have been developed to assist educators in providing these students appropriate social skills training to enable them to operate successfully in the schools and society. Intervention techniques have been selected based upon research techniques to assist young Black students in controlling aggression, assuming responsibility, and becoming productive members of the group. The author highly endorses that proactive approach be employed when teaching social skills to African-American students. Since proactive instruction provides children with social intervention before negative behaviors occur, this approach is preferable to reactive teaching. Whereas proactive instruction teaches social skills before social rejection is experienced, reactive instruction waits for the individual to fail and then applies intervention strategies. Many African-American students have problems developing appropriate social skills due to the problems outlined throughout the text. Proactive instruction will prevent many of the negative consequences of inappropriate social skills, as well as improve the self-image of young African-American males. Recommended strategies for proactive instruction may assist the boys in: 1. dealing positively with accusations 2. accepting the feelings of others in a nonthreatening manner 3. respecting the feelings of others 4. avoiding fights and conflicts 5. dealing effectively with teasing 6. giving praise or compliments to others 7. accepting compliments from others 8. apologizing for inappropriate behavior 9. expressing anger in a positive way 10. showing affection and appreciation toward others 11. practicing self-control These instructional activities may be expanded or modified as needed. As indicated, African-American students must be taught appropriate social skills if they are going to be contributing members of society. The social skills outlined here should be infused throughout the curriculum and integrated as needed by the teacher. These strategies are seen as immediate, useful sources for teaching pro-social skills to African-American students. Additionally, the curriculum is based upon in-depth research and years of teaching and observing the social skills development of African-American students. Results The initial step in developing a social skills curriculum is to identify those general social behaviors that are critical to successful social functioning. These general social behaviors are then rewritten as general objectives, which provide the framework for constructing other components of the curriculum. The second stage is to sequence specific objectives as they relate to the general objectives. All specific objectives are designed to achieve the general objectives. Specific objectives are stated in behavioral and measurable terms. The third step is to identify activities and resources that can achieve the stated objectives. Activities should be functional and reflect real life experiences that African-American students are exposed to. As much as possible, parents should be involved in reinforcing the social skills taught. Parents may be used as resource individuals and may offer suggestions relative to material and activities. The fourth step is to include cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity into the curriculum. This approach affords young African-American males the opportunity to appreciate and understand their own self-worth and sense of importance and belonging as well as identify Blacks and other minorities who have made significant contributions in several fields. An additional benefit is that the young Black males can identify and associate with appropriate role models. A curriculum that does not highlight the contributions of Blacks and minorities gives an inaccurate and distorted view of the many significant contributions made by them. Multicultural activities and strategies enrich the curriculum by showing differences in cultural styles, patterns, and interests of diverse groups. Conclusions and Recommendations A social skills curriculum should be based upon those social skills needed to function successfully in ones society. Much of the research reviewed indicates that a significant number of y African American students have not mastered the social skills needed to function successfully in our society. A functional approach involves exposing the learner to real-life situations, concepts, and activities such as self-identity, acquiring self-concept, achieving socially acceptable behavior, bonding, respecting the rights of others, maintaining good interpersonal skills, achieving independence, employing problem-solving skills, taking turns, and communicating appropriately with others. It is language the exquisite use of symbols that makes us truly human, and I would like to see a core curriculum in which students study the origins of language not just parts of speech (Frisby 1993). I would also like to see students consider how symbol systems vary from one culture to another, how language can be shared, and perhaps all students should become familiar with a language other than their own, so they can step outside their own language skin to understand better the nature of communication. And surely a course of study on the centrality of language would include mathematics, which is a universal symbol system. All human beings respond to the aesthetic. This condition is found in all cultures on the planet, and students, in the new core curriculum, should study the universal language we call art. When Picasso confronts the unspeakable agonies of war, the dismembered child, the scream of a bereft mother, the shattered home, and puts them on a huge canvas called â€Å"Guernica,† he makes a universal statement about destruction that can be felt in the heart of every human being (Spears-Bunton 1990). I am suggesting that for the most intimate, most profound, most moving experiences, we need subtle symbols, and students should learn how different cultures express themselves through the universal language of the arts. Bibliography Bankee N. C. Obiakor F. E. (1992). â€Å"Educating the Black male: Renewed imperatives for Black and white communities. † Scholar and Educator: The Journal of the Society of Educators and Scholars, 15, 2:16-31. Bernstein, B. (1971). â€Å"On the Classification and Framing of Educational Knowledge†, in Young, M. F. D. (ed. ) Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education, London: Collier-Macmillan. Bok, Derek. Higher Learning. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1986. Branch C. (1993). â€Å"Ethnic identity as a variable in the learning equation. † In E. Hollins, J. King, W. Hayman (Eds. ), Teaching diverse populations. Albany: State University of New York Press. Combleth, Catherine. 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Saturday, October 26, 2019

John Paul Jones :: essays research papers

John Paul Jones The Bonhomme Richard vs. The HMS Serapis John Paul was born in the small fishing village of Arbigland, Scotland on July 6, 1747. To his parents John Paul and Jean MacDuff he was the fourth child. They had seven children but unfortunately all but two died in infancy. The family was originally from Fife but John Paul's father had taken the family and moved to Arbigland where William Craik, the owner of a large estate their had met him and hired him to be his gardener. John Paul grew up on this estate and to those who watched him grow up, it seemed that he always had a fascination and a passion to sail something. Whether it was a leaf as a child or a bit of wood blown by a small paper sail, John Paul was a seaman from birth. He attended Kirkbean School but spent much of his time at the small port of Carsethorn on the Solway Firth. As he grew up others often found him teaching his playmates to maneuver their little boats to mimic a naval battle, while he, taking his stand on the tiny cliff overlooking the small river, shouted shrill commands at his imaginary fleet. At the age of thirteen he boarded a ship to Whitehaven, which was a large port across the Solway Firth. There he signed up for a seven year seaman's apprenticeship on The Friendship of Whitehaven, whose captain was James Younger, a prosperous merchant and ship owner. His first voyage took him across the Atlantic Ocean to Barbados and Fredericksburg, Virginia at which he stayed with his older brother William, a tailor, who had left Scotland for America over thirteen years before, and who now was living comfortably and flourishing. John Paul was released from his apprenticeship at age 17 after which he went straight into the slave trade as third mate on King George of Whitehaven. After some time he became disgusted with the slave trade and returned home. John Paul had become a captain at the age of twenty-one. When on one of his missions, John Paul was accused of assaulting and killing one of his sailors, and was then arrested but found not guilty by the Tobago courts because of lack of evidence and testimony on his behalf. Because of this he fled to America and changed his name to John Paul Jones of which he was called for the rest of his life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels Essay

Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. Intermediaries who buy, take title to, and resell the merchandise are called ________. 2. Companies that search for customers and may negotiate on the producer’s behalf but do not take title to the goods are called ________. 3. Transportation companies, independent warehouses, banks, and advertising agencies that assist in the distribution process but neither take title to goods nor negotiate purchases or sales are called ________. 4. One of the chief roles of marketing channels is to convert potential buyers into profitable ________. 5. A marketing channel system is the particular set of ________ employed by a firm. Decisions about the marketing channel system are among the most critical facing a firm. 6. A ________ strategy involves the manufacturer using its sales force and trade promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users. 7. A ________ strategy creates consumer demand through promotions and advertising as a way to induce intermediaries to carry the product. 8. Today customers expect channel integration to work smoothly. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of channel integration? a. The ability to order the product online and pick it up at a retail location b. The ability to return an online purchase at the retail location c. The right to receive discounts based on total online and off-line purchases d. Offering gift certificates that can be redeemed online and off-line e. None of the above are characteristics of channel integration 9. Generally speaking, buyers fall into four categories. Which of the following is NOT one of these categories? a. Habitual shoppers b. High-value deal seekers c. Low-involvement shoppers d. Variety-loving shoppers e. High-involvement shoppers 10. Shoppers who primarily seek stores that suit people like themselves or members of groups they aspire to join are known as ________. 11. A supply chain view of a firm sees markets as destination points and amounts to a linear view of the flow. The company should first think of the target market and then design the supply chain backward from that point. This view is called ________. 12. A value network includes a firm’s suppliers and its suppliers’ suppliers, and its immediate customers and their end ________. 13. Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scale of operation, intermediaries help firms _______ in making goods widely available. 14. A marketing channel overcomes the time, place, and ________ gaps that separate goods and services from those who need or want them. 15. Physical functions, title functions, and promotional functions are example of ________ flow of activity from the company to the customer. 16. The question regarding the various channel functions is not whether or not they need to be performed but who is to perform them. All channel functions have three things in common. Which of the following is NOT one of these channel functions? a. They use up scarce resources. b. They can often be performed better through specialization. c. They can be shifted among channel members. d. They require substantial investments by the producer. e. None of the above 17. A ________ channel consists of a manufacturer selling directly to the final customer. 18. Designing a marketing channel system involves analyzing customer needs, ________, identifying major channel alternatives, and evaluating major channel alternatives. 19. In designing the marketing channel, the marketer must understand the service output levels desired by the target customers. Channels produce five service outputs. Which of the following is NOT one of these outputs? a. Product variety b. â€Å"Entertainment shopping experience† c. Spatial convenience d. Waiting and delivery time e. Lot size 20. Channel objectives should be stated in terms of ________ service output levels. 21. A channel alternative is described by three elements: the types of available business intermediaries, the number of intermediaries needed, and the ________. 22. Companies deciding on the number of intermediaries to use at each channel level have three strategies available to them. They can use exclusive distribution, ________ distribution, and intensive distribution. 23. When the producer wants to maintain control over the service level and outputs offered by the resellers, it most likely will use ________ distribution. 24. By granting ________, the producer hopes to obtain more dedicated and knowledgeable selling. 25. With ________, the company does not need to worry about too many outlets; it can gain adequate market coverage with more control and less cost that intensive distribution. 26. Manufacturers are constantly tempted to move from exclusive or selective distribution to more intensive distribution in order to ________. 27. ________ distribution consists of the manufacturer placing his goods and services in as many outlets as possible. 28. The main elements in the â€Å"trade-relations mix† are price policies, conditions of sale, ________, and specific services to be performed by each party. 29. Each channel alternative needs to be evaluated against ________, control, and adaptive criteria. 30. One of the control issues of using a sales agency as a channel partner is that the sales agency is an independent firm seeking to ________. 31. After a company has chosen a channel alternative, individual intermediaries must be ________, trained, motivated, and evaluated. 32. It is important for the company to select its channel members carefully because to the customers, the channels _________ the company. 33. ________ can be defined as the ability to alter channel members’ behavior so that they take actions they would not have taken otherwise. 34. The five types of power available to the producer to elicit cooperation from channel members includes all of the following EXCEPT ________ power. 35. In competitive markets with low entry barriers, the optimal channel structure will inevitably ________ over time. 36. Regarding distribution systems, one of the most difficult decision that a firm must make at some time involves ________ the channel strategy. 37. A conventional marketing channel comprises a(n) ________, wholesaler(s), and retailer(s), each acting in his own self-interest. 38. A(n) ________ comprises the producer, wholesaler(s), and retailers(s) acting as a unified system. 39. A(n) ________ consists of independent firms at different levels of production and distribution integrating their programs on a contractual basis to obtain more economies or sales impact than they could achieve alone. 40. Which of the following is a type of contractual VMS? a. Specialty stores b. Franchise organizations c. Kiosks stores d. Catalog stores e. None of the above 41. When two or more unrelated companies put together resources or programs to exploit an emerging marketing opportunity, it is called a ________. 42. ________ occurs when a single firm uses two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments. 43. By adding more channels, companies can gain three important benefits. First, they can increase their market coverage; second, they can lower channel costs; and third, they can provide ________. 44. ________ is generated when one channel member’s actions prevent another channel from achieving its goal. 45. ________ involves conflict between members at the same level within the channel. 46. ________ means conflict between different levels within the same channel. 47. ________ exists when the manufacturer has established two or more channels that sell to the same market. 48. ________ occurs when channel members are brought together to advance the goals of the channel, as opposed to their own potentially incompatible goals. 49. Causes of channel conflict include all of the following, EXCEPT________. a. goal incompatibility b. differences in perception c. dependency d. unclear goals and rights e. channel power usage 50. There are several mechanisms for effective channel conflict management. These include the following, EXCEPT ________. a. frequent vendor switching b. superordinate goals c. co-optation d. diplomacy e. mediation 51. ________ is an effort by one organization to win the support of the leaders of another organization by including them in advisory councils, board of directors, and the like. 52. ________ means resorting to a neutral third party who is skilled in conciliating the two parties’ interests. 53. Producers of strong brands sometimes sell them to dealers only if the dealers will take some or all of the rest of the line. This practice is called full-line forcing or ________. 54. ________ describes the use of electronic means and platforms to conduct a company’s business. 55. ________ means that the company or site offers to transact or facilitate the selling of products or services online. 56. ________ means companies decide to purchase goods, services, and information from various online suppliers. 57. ________ describes company efforts to inform buyers, communicate, promote, and sell its products and services over the Internet. 58. ________ are companies that have launched a Web site without any previous existence as a firm. 59. ________ are existing companies that have added an online site for information and/or e-commerce. 60. For the brick-and-click companies, adding an e-commerce channel creates the threat of ________ from retailers, brokers, agents, and other intermediaries. Essay 101. Explain why the marketing channel system is so important to a firm. 102. Explain the concept of a hybrid channel distribution system. 103. Different consumers have different needs during the purchase process. Researchers Nunes and Cespedes argue that, in many markets, buyers fall into four categories. List and briefly define these four categories. 104. Demand chain planning yields several insights for manufacturers who follow this view of the supply chain. Explain what these insights are and how companies can use them to their best advantage. 105. What are some of the advantages available to producers using intermediaries? 106. In designing a marketing channel system, the marketer must understand the service output levels desired by target customers. Channels provide five service outputs. List and briefly describe each of these outputs. 107. Manufacturers are constantly tempted to move from exclusive distribution or selective distribution to more intensive distribution. Give a reason why this might not be a good long-term strategy for a manufacturer. 108. Explain the differences between a vertical marketing system (VMS) and a conventional marketing system? 109. The most advanced supply-distributor arrangements for administering VMSs involve distribution programming. Explain the components of distribution programming. 110. For a brick-and-click company to add e-commerce to its marketing mix, the firm must be aware that it creates the threat of a backlash from its channel partners. The question remains: How to sell both through intermediaries and online? Three strategies for successfully answering this question were postulated in the chapter. List and briefly define these three strategies. APPLICATION QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 111. Your product enjoys high brand loyalty and high involvement in the category. It has perceived differences that consumers recognize between brands and is one of the few that its consumers choose before selecting the retail store/Web site to purchase the product. Which promotion strategy would hold the greatest opportunity for incremental sales for your product? 112. Your product has low brand loyalty in its category; brand choice is often made by the consumer in the store, often at the very moment of purchase. Which promotion strategy would hold the greatest opportunity for incremental sales for your product? 113. When managing a hybrid channel, the channel manager must ensure that these different channels work seamlessly in the consumer’s opinion. When the consumer can order a product  online and pick it up at the nearby retail store or be able to return the Internet-ordered product to the retail store, we state that the channel has ________. 114. Jenny gathers information from a variety of channels, conducting extensive research on the advantages/disadvantages of the products available. She visits a number of high-priced retailers, asks numerous questions, and tries many of the products. When the time comes to purchase, she always purchases through the lowest-cost channel. Jenny is best described as a ________. 115. Palm, the leading manufacturer of handheld devices, consists of a whole community of suppliers and assemblers of semiconductor components, plastic cases, LCD displays, and accessories; of off-line and online resellers; of 275,000 developers in the Palm Developer Network who have created over 21,000 software programs and 100 hardware add-ons for the Palm operating system for handheld computers and smartphones. Combined, these make up Palm’s ________. 116. A company selling exercise equipment may need to establish three channels of distribution—a sales channel, a delivery channel, and a ________. 117. Tupperware manufactures kitchen goods and has its representatives sell them through home parties. This is an example of a ________. 118. ________ deals between suppliers and retailers, such as Disney’s Consumer Products deal with Wal-Mart, are becoming a mainstay for specialists looking for an edge in a business world that is increasingly driven by price. 119. In rolling out your company’s newest product, you decided to use manufacturers’ representatives as your sales agents. Part of your ________ was to establish territories based upon counties per state. 120. The sales of your product are low compared to your competition. The decision facing you is whether to use a sales agency (brokers, manufacturers’ representatives) or hire a field sales force. The fixed costs of engaging a sales agency are lower than those of establishing a company sales force, but costs rise faster through an agency. When figuring out sales and costs, the intersection of the costs between sales agencies and sales force (SB) means that ________. 121. Rolex is very selective when choosing the retailers that will sell its watches. The company needs to view its retailer in the same way as it views its end users. The firm needs to determine intermediaries’ needs and construct a channel positioning such that its channel offering is tailored to provide ________ to these retailers. 122. As more women entered the workforce and were unavailable to Avon’s traditional door-to-door system for selling cosmetics, Avon ventured into selling its cosmetics in JCPenney. Avon revised its channel strategy due to ________. 123. When Kodak coordinates successive stages of production and distribution and receives cooperation from major retailers in connection with displays, shelf space, promotions, and pricing policies due exclusively to Kodak’s size and power , we call this a(n) ________. 124. The emergence of rental car counters, hair salons, banks, and dry cleaners found in such stores as Wal-Mart, Target, grocery retailers, and others is an example of ________ marketing systems. 125. As a recent college graduate, you dream of opening up your own business. You have explored franchising. In fact, one of the companies that you are strongly interested in is a service organization (fast food) that has a whole system designed to bring its service efficiently to consumers. This is an example of a ________. 126. A soft-drink concentrate producer makes a 20% margin on its regular soda and 25% on its diet version of the same drink. The soft-drink bottlers, however, are required to sell both the regular and diet versions to the retailers at the same price. This is a classic example of ________. 127. In deciding to take your product to market, one of the first considerations must be your channel or channels of distribution. If you decide to sell your product (a) in exclusive franchisee operations and (b) to mass distributors/retailers concurrently, to the same target market, this may lead to a ________. 128. As a marketing manager for a national company that uses brokers as your field sales agents, you suggest to your senior management the creation of an â€Å"advisory team† composed of retailers, food brokers, sales managers, and inside marketing and management personnel. Your objective is to win support of the leaders of another organization by including them in planning discussions. You are advocating what type of conflict management resolution? 129. The text would define eBay, a third party that creates markets by linking buyers and sellers, as a ________. 130. Harley-Davidson’s entry into the Web for their parts and accessory business called for them to â€Å"protect† their retailers by referring customers to the local Harley-Davidson dealer. One additional strategy available to firms wishing to protect their channels of distribution yet capitalize on Internet sales is ________. Short Answer 131. Define the term â€Å"marketing channels.† 132. Why is a marketing channel system so important to the manufacturer? 133. The ability by the consumer to access information via the Internet, conduct business transactions either by phone, Internet, or in person is an example of a company using what type of marketing channels? 134. When you deliver the products to the customer, exchange title of the goods, or even conduct a sales promotion, you are conducting a forward flow of activity through the channel. Explain the elements for a backward flow from customers to the company. 135. In setting up your distribution channel, you note that you must account for the physical transfer of the product from your location to the consumer and must receive payment for the goods sold. These are part of the channel functions. All channel functions must be performed and have three things in common. List the three things that all functions have in common. 136. Your company has decided to use a distribution channel that consists of a wholesaler, a jobber, and a retailer to reach your final consumer or user of your product. How many channel levels are involved in the distribution of your product to the final user? 137. When we talk about manufacturers’ redemption centers, community groups, trash-collection specialists, recycling centers, and central processing warehouses, we are talking about what kind of distribution channels? 138. The ability of a shopper of laundry detergents to visit a grocery retailer and see a wide variety of brands, sizes, and units for purchase is an example of what elements of the channel service output? 139. As the â€Å"channel manager† for your firm, you have been asked by senior managers to identify new distribution channels for the launch of a new product. Your presentation describes a channel alternative as having three sets of elements. What are the three elements that would be contained in your presentation? 140. A leading manufacturer of watches maintains a set of very exclusive networks of retailers (exclusive distribution) that are authorized to sell its watches. This exclusivity ensures that the company can control the service level, distribution, and outputs offered by the retail stores doing business with them. Recently, however, there has been pressure on the company (by Wall Street investors) to expand its products to more and more retailers (intensive distribution) in order to increase sales. What are some of the dangers that the company might encounter when moving from one form of distribution to another? 141. List the main elements in the â€Å"trade-relations mix† between producers and channel members. 142. As the channel manager at a consumer products firm, you develop a channel incentive program in which channel members receive an extra 2% discount on all purchases when the channel members agree to pass half of this discount along to their customers in terms of a price decline. This is an example of what type of channel power? 143. When you purchase a Subway franchise, the corporate office delivers to you an entire system designed to bring the services efficiently to the consumer. This is an example of what type of contractual VMS? 144. When independent operators such as optometrists or nail and hair salons locate in the front part of selected retail superstores, this is an example of what type of marketing system? 145. A textbook manufacturer uses a direct sales force to reach the college market, a telemarketing division to reach small independent bookstore owners, and rack jobbers to reach retail outlets. This is an example of what type of marketing systems? 146. What three important benefits can companies gain by adding more channels? 147. Identify four things that marketers can do to better integrate their online and off-line channels. 148. You own a franchise of a national chain of quick luncheon meals. The corporate office is conducting a nationwide marketing campaign introducing a $5.00 value meal option. This $5.00 value meal option severely cuts into you operating margins. Numerous complaints to the corporate office have resulted in the corporate office taking the position that â€Å"the franchisees need to be competitive and this $5.00 meal is competitive.† You disagree, noting that  even with an increase in store traffic, the reduction in revenue and margin produced by this value menu will result in a net loss for your store. What type of channel conflict is evident here? 149. When one Pizza Hut franchisee noticed that his counterpart in the south part of town was using â€Å"nonapproved† ingredients in its Pizza Hut pizzas, he complained to the franchise office. This is an example of what type of channel conflict? 150. In setting up your company’s channel of distribution, you arranged for the company’s products to be carried by a select set of outlets and required that these outlets not carry competitive products. What are the benefits to the company and to the distributor in entering into such an exclusive distribution and exclusive dealing arrangement?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

He Wished for the Cloths of Heaven and Love by George

This poem comes across as a declaration of love where the poet has used rich imagery and metaphorically described the sky as a cloth. He paints a beautiful image of the sky as being ‘inwrought with golden and silver light†, golden during the day and silver with the light of the moon. The picture created In the mind of the reader of spreading the cloths under her feet, Like a cloak, Is a romantic and chivalrous one. The tone In the beginning of ‘Cloths of Heaven' Is one of exuberance as it describes a joyful, effervescent declaration of love but awards the end it changes to fearful as the poet considers that his love might be rejected.I believe this poem captures the pain of unanswered love which is capable of permanently wounding a person, hence to avoid being a victim of such a situation, Yeats is warning his love to be careful with his heart and dreams for he feels fragile and vulnerable in his declaration of love. George Herbert ‘Love' on the other hand, ex plores his love for the Almighty. He draws attention to the fact that God is love. It shows God as a gracious host, perceptive and tolerant of the unavoidable failings of is honest followers, full of generosity and goodness, who overcomes all of objections to uniting ourselves with Him.The poet who Is keen on meeting God holds himself back because he feels undeserving as a result of the sins he has committed, which strengthen his belief In the fact that Is he not worthy enough to stand before the Almighty. God is portrayed to be so open, so loving and forgiving. All the poet's protests are met with gentle persuasion, which is something that we all identify God's loving nature with. Both the poems bring out different aspects of love.In ‘He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven', Yeats talks about romantic love and the pain one must bear if that love is rejected, while George Herbert ‘Love' not only describes his love for God but also talks about the Almighty loving nature but a lso the beauty of his love for mankind. Yet, the underlying factor in both the poems is Love. He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven – William Butler Yeats HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Inwrought with golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths T nylon anon align an I would spread the cloths under your feet:But l, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. Love – George Herbert Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning If I lacked anything. ‘A guest,' I answer's, ‘worthy to be here:' Love said, ‘You shall be he. ‘ ‘l, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my dear, I cannot look on Thee. ‘ Love took my hand and smiling did reply, Who made the eyes but I? ‘ ‘Truth, Lord; but I have marred them: le t my shameGo where it doth deserve. ‘ ‘And know you not,' says Love, Who bore the blame? ‘ ‘My dear, then I will serve. ‘ ‘You must sit down,' says Love, ‘and taste my meat. ‘ So I did sit and eat. Question 3 On this cold winter's night Only poor street children are in sights She calls out to the man on the street â€Å"Sir, can you help me? It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep, Is there somewhere you can tell me? † No blankets no shoes How on earth will they make it through He walks on, doesn't look back He pretends he can't hear her Starts to whistle as he crosses the streetSeems embarrassed to be there Oh think twice, it's another day for You and me in paradise Oh think twice, it's Just another day for you, You Ana me In paradise He can see she's been crying It's such a sad sights To be out, on this cold night, 0 You should be in bed all nice and tight Not wet and cold, with no one to hold. She's got blisters on the soles of h er feet Can't walk but she's trying You are precious, were u ever told? 0 Someone should known Just where do they go? Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do Oh lord, there must be something you can sayFor, it is a sin! For these poor street children. To be in plain sights On this cold, wet winters night. You can tell from the lines on her face You can see that she's been there Probably been moved on from every place ‘Coos she didn't fit in there Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins He walks on, doesn't look back Oh! Think twice, it's another day for Oh! Think twice, it's Just another day for you, can Chi. WA K out sense trying Street Children No blankets, no shoes How on earth will they make it through Besides their cold faces,0 Wet legs and muddy traces. They stand here all alone With no umbrella nor a phone. 0 To be out, on this cold night,0 Not wet and cold, with no one to hold. 0 You are precious, were u ever told? 0 Just where do they go? 0 For is a sin! 0 For these poor street children. O ‘Another day in Paradise' talks about the disheartening story of a poor, homeless child who has nowhere to sleep and is unable to bear the cold outside so she asks a man passing by if he knows of some place where she can go but her question is answered with silence as the man walks off, embarrassed to be there.The writer questions god f there is anything he can do to solve their problem and get rid of their pain. Hence, the plight of homeless children, their suffering and their pain is brought out in this Dialectal song Day panel Collins. An anonymous writer won napes to De a rescued homeless child has written the poem. Both, the song and the poem have an underlying theme, which is the pain and suffering of poor children with nowhere to go. In the poem, the poet compares the life of a street child to that of a regular child of the same age and brings out the difference between their lives.Like on a cold inters night, a child must be tucked in to bed, not Wet and cold with none to hold'. Street children do not deserve to grow up in such horrid conditions. It is indeed a sin to see them suffer this way, and do nothing about it. They have nobody to look after them or look out for them. In this poem, the poet brings out the sadness in her heart stemming from the pain she feels by seeing little homeless children endure all the pain and suffering they do not deserve. Hence, in my opinion the poem and the song go well together as both are directed towards a common issue, the plight of homeless children.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Five Perils That Challenged Christopher Columbus

Five Perils That Challenged Christopher Columbus Free Online Research Papers America was discovered by an Italian explorer known as Christopher Columbus. Columbus was a navigator, colonizer, and explorer. His expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean were funded by the Spanish Crown. Columbus reached the Americas on his fourth voyage in 1502. Although his trip was successful, there were many troubles he faced along the way. Wind resistance, spoiled food, money problems, disease, and wasted time at sea were only a few of the perils faced by Christopher Columbus. Sailboats were common and widely used during Columbus’ time period. There were no gasoline powered boats. Most sailboats relied on the wind, and at times this could cause a problem. Columbus solely relied on sailing with the wind. Most of the time, Columbus and his men would have to sail against the wind using a technique called beating. Doing this technique would mean that there might be some days without food. Navigation and estimation were two important food determining factors for Columbus on his voyages. The menu for most Spanish seamen consisted of water, vinegar, wine, olive oil, molasses, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, garlic, almonds, sea biscuits, chickpeas, lentils, and beans. Most of the food was stored in wooden casks. The problem with this type of storage is leakage. If dry goods were contaminated with water, they would be ruined. A shortage of food would leave many of the crewmen hungry, and it would also be a waste of money for Columbus. Columbus had little money. He pushed for funding from many kingdoms. On May 1, 1486, Queen Isabella rejected his idea, but granted him an annual annuity of 12000 maravedis to keep him on his campaign. Later on, Columbus made a contract with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. This contract gave him the rank of Admiral of the Sea, and it entitled him to 10 percent of all profits gained. They did not expect Columbus to return from is voyage. Traveling many long months on the sea, many people had fallen sick. When Columbus and his crew arrived at America, they spread many diseases that the Native Americans were not immune to. This outbreak caused many deaths. Columbus also traded different foods with the Native Americans that may have caused them to become sick. Columbus’ crew also picked up many new diseases as well. During most of Columbus’ voyage, he did not know where he was going. Columbus’ crew was both anxious and impatient. They pushed to move on. Many days were lost from changing waters and poor directions. Columbus was unaware of where he had arrived on 1502. He thought he had found the Indies, but instead he found America. Christopher Columbus overcame many obstacles at sea. Wind resistance kept Columbus from traveling quickly. Today, ships are made more aerodynamic and they do not rely on the wind. Spoiled food was also a problem. Today, the refrigerator is used for storing food for extensive periods of time. Columbus’ crew and many Native Americans died from many unknown diseases. Diseases are treated by many vaccines discovered through medical science. Columbus also did not have an absolute navigational source, he only used his sense of direction and a map to guide him. Today’s sailors rely solely on navigation and communication technologies. Christopher Columbus was a great explorer. Sailing is a much easier task today, thanks to technological advances. Research Papers on Five Perils That Challenged Christopher ColumbusThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Spring and AutumnGenetic EngineeringAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanLifes What IfsQuebec and CanadaMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesBringing Democracy to Africa

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership

How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership One may think of a perfect leader and come up with many alternatives. It could be a leader with a high-level of managing temper irrespective of the challenge, a leader who has absolute trust in his or her employees, listens, makes intelligent decisions, and provides feedback and has others desirable qualities.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These are qualities of a leader with high standards of emotional intelligence. In this article, the writer explores how emotional intelligence influences leadership, employee motivation and performance. It also shows how a leader can improve on emotional intelligence because they can learn, although with a great effort and commitment. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to comprehend and manage one’s emotions and emotions of other people (Salovey and Mayer 185). Leaders who ha ve high-levels of emotional intelligence understand their feelings, meanings of their emotions and effects of those emotions on other people. For people in leadership positions, having EI is critical for success. Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist who perfected EI. He focused on five key elements of EI, which could influence leadership. These included self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and motivation. Goleman believes that â€Å"effective leaders are alike in one way: they all have a high degree of emotional intelligence† (Goleman 94). Leaders who tend to manage these elements normally have high standards of emotional intelligence. Self-awareness helps leaders to understand their own feelings. In addition, they also understand how their emotions and actions could affect their staff. Self-awareness also allows leaders to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. This makes leaders to act or behave with humility. Leaders with self-awareness de monstrate a high degree of self-confidence, realistic self-assessment, and self-deprecating sense of humor (Goleman 95). Leaders can improve on self-awareness by tracking their thoughts, feelings, and actions through journals. In addition, they can also mitigate their feelings of anger and other strong emotions. It is imperative to note that irrespective of prevailing situations, people can choose how to react. Self-regulation is a quality that allows leaders to stay in control of their decisions, maintain their values, and avoid stereotyping or attacking others. Such leaders can control disruptive emotions and think before taking any action. In addition, they also have high degrees of integrity, embrace change, and tolerate ambiguity.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Goleman observes that self-regulation allows leaders to be flexible and be personally acco untable because it demands integrity and trustworthiness from leaders (Goleman 98). Leaders can use some strategies to improve on their abilities to self-regulate. First, it is important for leaders to understand their values and know factors that can make them to compromise those values. This allows leaders to understand important values for them, avoid ethical dilemmas, and make right ethical decisions. Moreover, leaders who understand themselves are able to create an environment of trust and fairness. Second, leaders need to hold themselves accountable in order to develop self-regulating abilities. Some leaders blame their teams because of failures. Instead, leaders should be accountable, review failures, and face their consequences. This makes leaders accountable and improves trust within the team. Finally, leaders should learn to remain calm in all situations, even in a challenging situation. They should learn to relieve stress without affecting others. Stress and conflicts are also present in medical organizations. For instance, Jeanne Morrison noted cases of conflicts and stress in the nursing profession because of â€Å"inadequate salary, a lack of appreciation and fairness, increasing workloads with critical cases and poor relations with colleagues† (Morrison 974). Hence, the need to understand how to handle stress and conflicts in medical organizations was critical for employees. Morrison noted that it was impossible to eliminate conflicts and stress at workplaces but observed that learning â€Å"essential emotional intelligence (EI) skills could be helpful† (Morrison 975). Leaders must understand how to control their strong emotions and negative feelings and thoughts. Self-motivated leaders have tendencies of working constantly toward their objectives. Moreover, they believe in exceptionally high stands of achievements. These leaders have deep desire to achieve just for the sake of impressive results. In addition, they also show energy , persistence, optimism, commitment to organizations and strong drive to excel. Leaders who lack a sense of motivation should improve on it. First, a leader and his or her staff should re-examine their jobs and understand their roles and contributions to organizations. Leaders should motivate people through appreciation and in some cases, through monetary rewards. A leader should understand factors that lead to a lack of motivation within his or her team and formulate strategic ways of motivating employees. Most importantly, leaders must understand how motivated they are by assessing themselves in order to lead others. Leaders should be optimistic amidst failure and find reasons to put effort in their roles. Motivated leaders tend to analyze a situation, understand causes of failures, and master lesson learned for improvement. For such leaders, situations tend to be positive rather than negative. Motivated employees are likely to performance best than others.Advertising We w ill write a custom research paper sample on How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another factor of emotional intelligence is empathy. For a leader, empathy is an imperative factor that can lead to successful leadership in an organization. Leaders with empathy understand situations of others, their emotional composition, and possess skills required to react to other people based on their emotions. These leaders have abilities to build and retain talents, show cross-cultural sensitivity and offer services to their stakeholders. Hence, leaders with empathy develop others within the team, challenge team members who have negative attitudes, listen, and provide constructive feedback to team members. Leaders who have earned respect and loyalty in organizations are empathetic toward others. One can learn empathy by understanding others’ situations. Although it is simple to maintain one’s pos ition and point of view, it is advisable to understand situations from others’ perspectives too. Empathy also involves understanding body language. Body language could tell others how one feels about a position. Leaders who have mastered the art of body language understand how people feel when they address them. As a result, they are able to respond appropriately in a given situation. Leaders should also learn how to respond to feelings of others, especially in cases where employees feel that their jobs are frustrating them. Leaders who understand social skills as a component of emotional intelligence also understand communication skills, interpersonal relations, and conflict resolution among others. They are good at building new relations and maintaining networks with colleagues. Moreover, such leaders can find neutral grounds and create rapport in a team. Leaders who possess social skills are good in leading organizational change, persuading others, and building teams. Such leaders can accommodate both good and bad news. They can also get support from team members to support new initiatives. Social skills allow such leaders to resolve conflicts cautiously, get logical conclusions and demonstrate leadership through their own actions. One can build social skills by learning how to resolve conflicts in organizations and with other external partners. Improving communication skills can help leaders to develop their emotional intelligence and communicate effectively. Team members also require praise from their leaders. This inspires team effort and loyalty. In order to be an effective leader, a broad understanding of emotions and their impacts on others is imperative for leaders. A good leader relates and works effectively with different members of an organization. This leads to successful leadership. As Goleman shows, emotional intelligence makes a leader. Hence, leaders should improve on their self-awareness, motivation, social skills, self-regulation, an d empathy. Leaders should understand their emotions, emotions of others and express them appropriately.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People who understand their emotions also understand emotions of others and predict reactions in different situations. Thus, emotional intelligence influences leadership by trying to improve it and create a favorable working environment in an organization, which contributes positively in employee motivation and job performance. Luckily, previous studies and Goleman show that one can learn emotional intelligence (Goleman 92; Guillà ©n and Florent-Treacy 2-30). It is not simple to develop emotional intelligence through normal studying of available literature (Davies 1). Instead, the process requires training, practice, effort, and support. Under some circumstances, employees may provide feedback on leadership performance and management styles of executives based on their behavioral outcomes and evaluation criteria. Although some leaders may consider such feedback as threatening and confronting, particularly if they do not appreciate feedback from juniors, it is the most imperative pr ocess in developing leadership emotional intelligence because feedback helps in identification of gaps and areas for improvement. Davies, Sean. Leadership in Action: Emotional intelligence and leadership. n.d. Web. Goleman, Daniel. What makes a leader. Harvard Business Review (1998): 92-103. Print. Guillà ©n, Laura and Elizabeth Florent-Treacy. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness: The Mediating Influence of Collaborative Behaviors. 2011. Web. Morrison, Jeanne. The relationship between emotional intelligence competencies and preferred conflict-handling styles. Journal of Nursing Management 16 (2008): 974–983. Print. Salovey, Peter and John Mayer. Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition, and personality 9.3 (1990): 185-211. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Grow Your Own Quartz Crystals

How to Grow Your Own Quartz Crystals Quartz crystals are silicon dioxide, SiO2. Pure quartz crystals are colorless, but impurities in the structure lead to beautifully colored gems, including amethyst, rose quartz, and citrine. Most natural quartz crystallizes from magma or precipitates from hot hydrothermal veins. Although man-made quartz is produced, the process requires heat not generally possible in a home setting. Its not a crystal most people want to try to grow at home  since perfect crystals require  specialized equipment. Synthesized quartz is made using the hydrothermal process in an autoclave. You probably dont have one of those in your kitchen, but you may have a smaller equivalenta pressure cooker. Growing Crystals With a Pressure Cooker If you are truly determined to grow quartz crystals at home, you can grow small crystals by heating silicic acid in a pressure cooker. Silicic acid can be made by reacting quartz with water or by  acidification of sodium silicate in aqueous solution. The main problem with either technique is that silicic acid has a tendency to turn into silica gel. However, it is possible to synthesize quartz crystals with a pressure cooker. In 1845, the German geologist Karl Emil von Schafhutl succeeded in making quartz the first crystal grown by hydrothermal synthesis. Modern techniques can be used to grow large single crystals, but you shouldnt expect fabulous gems from a home canning system. Similar Alternatives Fortunately, there are similar-looking crystals you can grow at home. One rather spectacular option is to make a fulgurite, which is the glassy shape made by a lightning strike or other electrical discharge into sand. If youre seeking a large colorless crystal to grow, try alum crystals.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare and contract micheloangelo david and bernini's david Essay

Compare and contract micheloangelo david and bernini's david - Essay Example During the Renaissance period, people rediscovered the skill and knowledge of the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome. The lessons learned from the ancients contributed significantly to the technical developments in ‘realistic’ painting that emerged during this period through the efforts of a variety of famous artists including Masaccio, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. As the period waned, Baroque artists such as Caravaggio, Rubens and Bernini focused more upon natural expression, form and emotion in their work. By comparing representative works of sculpture from each of these two periods, such as â€Å"David† by Michelangelo and â€Å"David† by Bernini, one can get a sense of the difference between Renaissance and Baroque art and attitudes as well as an understanding of why these different approaches can sometimes be confused. Michelangelo's David was created over a space of three years - from 1501 until 1503 - and was carved out of a solid b lock of Carrera marble. The figure of David stands more than 17 feet tall and shows him in contrapposto stance. This means that his back leg is straight and obviously is supporting most of his weight while his front leg is slightly bent with the foot resting on the ground for balance. This was a favorite position for Greek and Roman statuary, which is what Michelangelo was trying to replicate using Biblical instead of mythological figures. This pose tends to throw the hips out of alignment, forcing one up and out and the other down and in, which is seen in this statue. At the same time, his right shoulder dips slightly down toward his out-thrust hip and his head twists to look over his slightly raised left shoulder. Michelangelo's David is completely nude and stands with his sling resting back over his left shoulder as if he is sizing up his enemy for the stone throw that will bring him victory. His left hand supports the sling near his shoulder while his right hand is held tensely down by his thigh. His hand is bent in a way that suggests he could be holding the stone he intends to use. David's chin is slightly down, causing his eyes to glare out from under a wavy abundance of bangs hanging over his forehead and he appears ready for the battle about to begin. Bernini's David was created more than a century later, carved out of marble during a seven month period from 1623 to 1624. This statue is life-sized and shows David in a moment of action, just as he is about to let his stone fly. His stance can best be described as mid-leap although both feet have contact with the ground. His hips and head face forward, but his upper body is twisted around to the side with one arm behind him as he gets ready to launch his missile. Although he is not nude, there is a great deal of musculature visible in his frame, such as in the lines of his exposed legs and the muscles of his stomach where the light fabric of his garment clings to his body. Whether this is because it is wet with the sweat of his fear in facing the giant or because it is being pressed to his body because of the wind of his motions is unclear. It might even be simply because Bernini wanted to demonstrate a fine physique in his character. The muscles of his upper body seem almost alive as they ripple over his rib cage and through his chest while the fabric of his garment bunches around his upper thighs and hips and fastens over his

Movie Reflection Paper Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection Paper - Movie Review Example This is portrayed compellingly through the transition we see from Vales hesitant music lessons in classical piano (which is shown to be a talent of his late wifes), to learning the African drum from Tarek, something which he seems to have a knack for. It comes to the point that Vale joins a drummers circle and for the first time in years begins to reconnect with the world around him. Things take a turn for the worse when Tarek is arrested and thrown into a detention centre for illegal immigrants. As Vale hires a lawyer to help Tarek, he starts to navigate a world he had never expected to encounter, or even given much thought to. Tareks mother arrives in the picture unexpectedly, looking for her son- and soon a friendship of quiet domesticity and real affection blossoms between the two. What is evident in the spirit of the film, and one that applies to the diversity issue in present discourse is the opposition between bureaucracy and humanism. Laws and statues are cold, and applied without any form of compassion or inquiry about the human it is being enforced upon. By bringing to us a picture from the other point of view, of the subaltern whose voice is nowhere to be found, we find that it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the system, which in the case of immigration laws, especially, is insensitive and unflinching, a perversion of ideals that claim to serve humanity, and uphold the value of life before everyone else. Which is of course where the debate regarding the diversity issue comes in. Does race, colour, ethnicity or rationality decide which life is to be valued and which is not? Who deserves the help of the system and who should be turned away? The diversity issue is not something that can just be construed as a morality lesson in a film- it exists today in society, in what can be termed first world countries,

Friday, October 18, 2019

How the Internal and External Environment Effect Hublots Marketing Essay

How the Internal and External Environment Effect Hublots Marketing - Essay Example The researcher states that the internal influences tend to determine the marketing in more outlook. The management usually makes the decision that influences the marketing department in their objectives and priorities. Financial capability of the firm also plays a lot in marketing. The financial structure and policies should allow enough funds for the implementation of the marketing plans and strategy, thus if hub lot company have limited funds or in event locate less capital for the marketing department, then the department would not achieve their target as watches are products that need a huge investment in marketing policies to keep up with the new ones that may emerge. On the other hand, research and development of hub lot watches should ensure production of quality, attractive and be creative and innovative so that the product can compete in the market. The image that the company portrays and branding of the product help the marketing to create intermediaries and channels throug h which hub lot watches may enter the new market and rival the competitors. Hence the internal factors are key efficiency in the marketing of the hub lot company. External influences are situations that are beyond the company control. It is important for a company to manage their competitors in the market as they influence a lot on the performance of the company produces more so in pricing and market share of the product. Thus firms like hub lot watches must have an efficient marketing system to be more productive and keep pace with the new inventions. Economic factors do influence the market on various scenario since it determines the distribution of goods within the economy e.g. infrastructure, and since this is goods which need to reach the market for their respective customers, the efficient movement must be available.

Strategy Implementation - Smart Water Research Paper

Strategy Implementation - Smart Water - Research Paper Example This brand is targeted to replace carbonated soft drinks, which are believed to have high calorie intake (Griffin & Moorhead 321). Smart Water is designed to address the needs of the customers who are concerned with their health status. This â€Å"Nutrient enhanced water† has imposed strong competition, not only against other bottled water, but also against other carbonated soft drinks, of which it acts as a perfect substitute (Griffin & Moorhead 322). The Smart Water packaging is designed to conform to the company’s policies and practices. The packaging is made out of sustainable and recyclable materials, which is consistence with the company’s sustainable packaging policy. Key performance indicators are often used to monitor sustainable packaging (Griffin & Moorhead 323). One of the company’s policies is to disclose the use of recycled materials in its products: a strategy that was successfully implemented in the production and packaging of Smart Water. Some of the company’s policies and practices that relate to the packaged water include; water recycling initiatives, water efficiency targets, water efficiency process, disclosed water conserved, reveal water use at Non-US Facilities, disclose normalized water use, policies to improve the efficiency of water use, and climate change policies that address water conservation and use (Griffin & Moorhead

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Creativity and Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creativity and Play - Essay Example Creativity likewise has many denotations and connotations in the English language. Creativity is hallmarked by intrinsic motivation, intention, adaptiveness and originality. It is what the person does, either the creative act or something aesthetically brand new and purposeful to the individual child. Original means it is not habitual and shies from routine. Creative has the implication of unconventional and intrinsically motivated. Intentional actions are not governed by conventions or extrinsic rewards (Sternberg, 1999). This essay will reflect on the importance of play in developing creativity. It seeks to analyze the different theories that are posited to reference childhood play and offer an evaluation of creativity across the early childhood curriculum’s in the United Kingdom (UK) namely; the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum (NC). Reference will be made to personal experience underpinned by relevant theory. It will begin with theoretical descriptions of creativity and play while exploring each construct separately and in relation to each other. The discussion will then follow early childhood education theories. Furthermore, the roles of teachers and parents in relation to creativity and play will be identified. Creativity is defined as a process involving the production of remote associations through thinking outside the box while possessing divergent or unusual, if not, original ideas. In creative play children develop their practical skills through imagining, designing and creating. Educational experts have developed standards defining what children should know and be able to do by certain grade levels. The content children learn in the creative curriculum is guided by these standards. The creative curriculum explains how to teach content in ways that respect the developmental stages of children. (James C. Kaufman, 2006) Teachers

Financial Reporting Theory Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financial Reporting Theory Practice - Essay Example This essay describes the strategic management guidelines of the Morrisons company that have been developed with regard to analysing and writing up this essay. The goal of an essay's analysis is to determine the value of a company as expressed through its choices of strategy and structure. Firstly, the researcher states that such case analysis of a company is critical that it be systematic. The place of financial information is critical in the analysis and presentation of a case study analysis. Awareness of a company’s financial position at a given point in time represents the tangible outcomes of the company’s business strategies and structure. In summary, although Morrisons operated at a profit loss at the mid-way of the financial year for 2006, debt was down, team-work had been enhanced amongst the company, and International Standards for Financial Reporting had been adopted. The massive changes during the financial year, have tapped into environmental opportunities t o be exploited. It is anticipated that revues will increase over the forthcoming year, and future financial terms. It is recommended by the researcher of the essay that Morrisons focus on its alternative fuel sources supply of ethanol. As this leading company sets the standard for other manufacturers it would be in the interest of Morrisons to cultivate its ethanol to increase profits. Also, continued innovation in CSR will ensure Morrisons positive brand image, as well as cut costs in terms of time, money and employee, and of course, environmental impact.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Creativity and Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creativity and Play - Essay Example Creativity likewise has many denotations and connotations in the English language. Creativity is hallmarked by intrinsic motivation, intention, adaptiveness and originality. It is what the person does, either the creative act or something aesthetically brand new and purposeful to the individual child. Original means it is not habitual and shies from routine. Creative has the implication of unconventional and intrinsically motivated. Intentional actions are not governed by conventions or extrinsic rewards (Sternberg, 1999). This essay will reflect on the importance of play in developing creativity. It seeks to analyze the different theories that are posited to reference childhood play and offer an evaluation of creativity across the early childhood curriculum’s in the United Kingdom (UK) namely; the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum (NC). Reference will be made to personal experience underpinned by relevant theory. It will begin with theoretical descriptions of creativity and play while exploring each construct separately and in relation to each other. The discussion will then follow early childhood education theories. Furthermore, the roles of teachers and parents in relation to creativity and play will be identified. Creativity is defined as a process involving the production of remote associations through thinking outside the box while possessing divergent or unusual, if not, original ideas. In creative play children develop their practical skills through imagining, designing and creating. Educational experts have developed standards defining what children should know and be able to do by certain grade levels. The content children learn in the creative curriculum is guided by these standards. The creative curriculum explains how to teach content in ways that respect the developmental stages of children. (James C. Kaufman, 2006) Teachers

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Starbucks and Peets Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Starbucks and Peets - Research Paper Example Their intense performance, growth, and investments warrant investigative studies. As such, this paper will seek to analyze the fundamental philosophical differences in their styles of management, how they launch and handle products, as well as their systems of marketing products and services. Additionally, this paper will develop a face-off strategy based on electronic commerce approach that sets one rival company apart from the other. Other aspects that this paper will resolve to explore include future challenges that these companies face and how the decisions that they make affect the company’s performance. Fundamental philosophical differences between the two companies According to reliable sources, Starbucks does not have any philosophical management styles. However, it does put a lot of emphasis on some strategies that makes it flexible and different from its competitors. For instance, the company puts a strong sense of ownership on its staff. From the highest rank to the lowest level, every employee has the responsibility and dedication to carry the success of the company with a strong and encouraging context (Ford, Sturman, & Heaton, 2011). In addition, Starbucks management style revolves around the belief that, everything concerning coffee matters. On the other hand, Peet’s coffee store practices an autocratic style of management whereby, leaders at the headquarters makes all the decisions while the subordinate staff implements them (Mottern, 2002). This is a very sharp fundamental philosophical difference between these two stores since analytical research and analysis describes Starbuck’s system of management as permissive. Launch and handling of products and services More focus based on establishing how Starbucks and Peets launches and handles their products and services set forth that, both companies maintain database records in which they keep customers’ trends (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2010). However, Starbucks is differ ent from Peets and the rest of the competitors in that, it uses factors like business-to-business strategies of marketing to launch and handle products (Smith, 2007). It also incorporates considerable measures that comprise of customer pinpoint and identification of early adopters where the company involves three main types of customers. They include program buyers, transaction buyers, and relationship buyers. In this case, Starbucks launches and handles its products through a chain of network created by these types of customers. Other methods incorporate use of the internet and massive television and radio advertisements. As in the case of Peet’s, this coffee store is unique from Starbucks as it uses sub elastic measures to launch and handle its products. First, it tests its marketing strategy then introduces the concept of marketing implementation (Mottern, 2002). Agreeably, it is hard to dash headlong to launch a product without first carrying market testing. After this st age, Peet’s uses its relations department to initiate campaign roll out aimed at launching a new product or service

Monday, October 14, 2019

Truth and Lies Essay Example for Free

Truth and Lies Essay There are different types of lies. Distorted views and fabricated truths are two of them. Misunderstanding, on the other hand, is not a lie. Misunderstanding is a when we fail to understand something correctly and accurately. This happens a lot in our daily lives. A lot of conflicts and hard feelings are caused by this mistake. In order to avoid it, we should be more careful about the way we express our opinions and feelings. Simultaneously, we should listen to what people say and understand what they mean carefully. Sometimes, we misunderstand a fact. We can correct by asking others about that or study about it. C. G. Lichtenberg once said: â€Å"The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a slightly distorted truth†. When we see the reality through distorted eyes, it can have an extreme effect on our emotions, thoughts and our interactions with other people. Imagine you want to drive to school today. Surprisingly, you see the green lights red and the red lights green. Needless to say, you stop at green lights and pass the red lights. You will be shouted at both times. You wonder why people are shouting at you without any reason, and after a while you get anxious and angry. You decide not to pay attention to traffic lights anymore. The reason is obvious: accident. This is what happens in our lives when have distorted views toward facts and reality. We had better change our views and try to solve this problem. Fabricated truths are the lies that are used to mislead people for centuries. These are so-called truths that are invented in order to deceive. We can see them in all aspects of life from religion to science and politics. Telling these lies is not limited to authorities, scientist or religious people in power. Ordinary people produce lies everyday to achieve what they want. We can’t fight these lies. All we can do is to research and seek the truth ourselves or at least don’t accept them easily and without proof. The truth is hard to find for different reasons. First of all, all people want others to have a positive picture of them in mind. They don’t want their lies to be revealed and they try hard to maintain that positive image of themselves. This is why people try to show that they are not responsible when something negative happens. So they lie about it. When something positive happens, people want to take credit for it. They lie again! This is also the case for different groups, organizations, religions, etc. who claim to have the â€Å"truth†. They don’t have the complete truth. This is what gets people in trouble. These groups don’t want their followers to find out their weaknesses and stop their support. So they tell people a lot of lies and try to sustain them. In addition, lying is a part of human nature. Sometimes people say the same lie so often that they forget the real truth and start believing their own lies. Furthermore, people don’t want to hear the truth. We prefer a good story rather than the fact. We actually don’t like to deal with truth. We want to believe something, so we assume that it’s the truth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: â€Å"We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. † Another reason is that lies spread faster than truth, especially in the internet and other media. As Mark Twain said: â€Å"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. † Sometimes, there is enough so-called evidence to support both sides of the conflict, the falsehood and the truth. So people are actually sitting on the fences when facing them. So the truth won’t be revealed. Sometimes, the truth is out there, but we don’t seek for it and we expect others to provide it for us. These might be the reasons of most hidden truths. Whatever the reason is, people don’t want their lies and dishonest behavior to be revealed. When someone exposes the truth, their positive image is ruined. So they attack that person. People don’t try to disclose the truth when they are attacked. So some truths are not revealed because of this. Sometimes, the truths is easy to find, but hard to accept. We are lied to a lot and some of our beliefs are shaped according to those lies. When we find the truth, it seems like a vague idea that doesn’t fit the lies. So we can’t accept it and it’s like we have never found the truth. The complete truth is not told most of the time. Thomas Sowell said: â€Å"There are only two ways of telling the complete truth: anonymously and posthumously†.